Monday, September 3, 2007

Work, Shane, and My Girls.

Work was alright tonight. My mind keeps telling me that I have to keep myself busy or else I'll start thinking too much about how I miss Shane. So at work I ran. I didn't stop the whole night except when I had to take a break for fifteen minutes (we have to) and I needed to file a nail down because it cracked. Ladieswear looked amazing when I left tonight.

I talked to Shane about an hour after work. He was kind of bored. And tired. And sun burned. He misses me and I miss him. What's new?

I went to Amanda's room tonight and Shelly and Trevor came over. We watched a little bit of a movie, made a chocolate run to Walmart, and then hung out and watched country music videos from 1997 and 1998 and sang along because we knew all of them. I really needed to hang out with the girls and Trevor. I needed to be away from things that remind me too much of Shane. It's not that I want to forget about Shane - it's not possible anyway - I just need to focus on other things so as not to break down crying.

Before I went to Amanda's I finished Shane's blanket. All I really need to do is to cut off all the strings, wrap it, and give it to him. I'm not going to wait until Christmas to give it to him like I had earlier planned. He'll get it next time I see him - but it'll still be considered a Christmas present. Of course, he'll still get more things from me, too!

I'm very happy right now. I miss Shane like crazy, but he's out there starting a new job and getting ready for us to settle down, eventually get married and have babies. I can't wait! All I've ever wanted in life was to be a loving wife with an amazing husband and have adorable babies! And my dream has been coming true since January. It's the best feeling in the world! Of course, to achieve any goal you must make sacrifices. And my sacrifice was being away from Shane for a few months. He sacrificed the same - only being away from me.

I love being happy. I hope you're all happy too!

1 comment:

Shannon Smith said...

Hey Kaylee--
Answering a few questions from my blog...Lifelight is a free christian music festival here in Sioux Falls..always on Labor Day weekend. There are tons of bands, and we had more than 300,000 people there this year!!

My new car is a 2001 Oldsmobile Alero. I love it.

I know how it is to long to be back in the arms of the guy you love. Hang in there. The time will come, and you won't have anymore waiting. You can do it!
