Monday, September 17, 2007


I was just rereading and updating my other two blogs I have online.

On one of those blogs in particular I posted a new updating blog that I felt I should link you to. I'm sure you all know everything that is in the blog, but I feel it is very well written and it would be a shame to not at least direct you to it. Now, you don't have to feel obligated to open the link. But I felt I must give you the chance, at least.

Oh, Just Randomness.

There. My job is done; but I will keep typing.

Tonight I went to a movie for my film class. Holiday starring Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. It was a very good movie and I want to watch it again. In fact, I want to own it. I told Shane that it would make a very good Christmas or birthday present if he felt like getting me something. Ha, I think I'll probably get it.

I feel accomplished tonight. I went to both of my classes, lunch, and the movie for my film class. I ate supper alone (that should feel sad, but ironically it felt good.) I went to WalMart after the movie and bought only necessities: bottled water, breakfast bars, Kleenex, and trash bags. No splurging for this girl tonight. When back in my room, I cleaned Bubs's bowl and now he can see out and I can see in. After doing the much needed bowl-cleaning I cleaned my bathroom counters and the sink and washed my dishes which called for another sink-cleaning when I finished. I have tomorrow planned out well enough to call it good and I feel alright. I guess there's always a little something to be said for organization and wise time-usage.

And now that I have used up enough cyber-paper on this blog I will use some before-bed freetime to enjoy a little television, a little teeth-brushing, and finally and little relaxing bed-laying.

To all: A good-night.

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