Thursday, April 5, 2007

MySpace and Im-Personality.

Today I decided I'm getting rid of my MySpace account. It was a hinder on my...self. I guess. Sure, it's a great way to keep in touch with friends. But there's also phone calls, emails, letters, a quick visit, a girls day out, a movie night, need I go on? It seems that lately all people can do on MySpace is bicker and start rumors and create all this unnecessary drama that no one should have to put up with. Some people just need drama in their life and that's sad. I feel bad for those people because they just can't stop hurting themselves or others just so they can have something to complain about and cry themselves to sleep at night about.

Okay, MySpace can be a great way to show off your personality. You can design your profile to reflect yourself. But how many people just use MySpace to meet people 'cause they're too scared to do so in person. They hide behind a computer screen and emoticons and never get close enough to other people. No hugs. No real smiles. Just a computer screen full of lies and crude emoticons.

And then there's the people that add friends just to make their number go up. It's some kind of competition with those people. Hey, I only have 30 friends on my current account - and I know all of them - excluding one - Bif Naked. I just love her music. It's disturbing how many people you can call a MySpace friend and how few people you can truly call Friend.

I'm getting away from MySpace not to shut out my friends and displace myself from the cyber-world, but to start a LifeSpace. Turn off the computer once in a while and stop worrying about how many emails are going around about the mistakes you made. And don't stress out if you don't fill out the latest survey going around. Go out and meet people and let them just find out who you are in person. Stop being impersonal.

Thanks for reading my rant.


Shannon Smith said...

I totally agree with your ranting, Kaylee. This is why I've decide Myspace isn't for me..although I'm pretty much hooked to facebook. I'd much rather get calls or hang out with people.

I read your rant.:) Hope you have a great Easter Weekend!

JG said...

Wow, never thought of it that way. Thanks for posting.

Shane Yetter said...

Agreed... and I love you... yay!
