Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oh Lovely Issues.

I can't go into detail. Normally I would because I believe that if you do something wrong you should be called out. I just don't feel like opening up something I closed. Sure, I'm still upset about what's going on and what we heard last night only added fuel. But you know, this person is going to realize - one day - that what he's doing is wrong and hopefully he'll learn from his mistakes and become a better person. That's all I can hope for at this moment. If he doesn't learn and change then I pray that everybody that comes into his life doesn't get hurt like we have been.

All I want to say is How dare you talk about us like that. I don't even care what you say about me, but you cannot talk about my husband that way. How can you live with yourself when you do what you do?

There. I have vented my frustration and I'm breathing again. Thank you for listening.

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