Monday, August 9, 2010

Just A Monday.

I did almost nothing today. Woke up, had coffee, made the bed, worked on my cross-stitch project pretty much all day, and had some dinner - just a little bit of leftovers from yesterday.

I really wanted to go on a walk this evening when Shane got off of work, but he didn't want to. It's just really nice to have someone to walk with - not to mention, it's safer. So we stayed in and watched some Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which is good.) Tomorrow I should be able to go on a nice long walk with my sister.

My cross-stitch thing is almost done. I have one small section to finish and then outline the words.

I'm a little disappointed, I just realized, that we didn't go for a walk tonight. I'm the kind of person that needs a support system when it comes to sticking with dieting and/or exercise and I was really depending on my husband.

Well, gee - that's a downer.

1 comment:

Shane Yetter said...

Sorry sweetie... you knew I could barely walk after I got back from work, and I was really tired. :( We'll go for a walk another time though! :D