Sunday, August 29, 2010

Am I The Only One?

Okay, I really the only one that thinks this man is attractive?

I joke around to my mom that this is the man I'm going to marry (ha ha.) Today I showed her a picture of him saying "See? He's cute!" Her reply..."Are you sure?"

All I'm saying is, Matt Bellamy is very attractive. Maybe Kate Hudson and myself are the only ones that think so.

How My Day Is Going...


Other than that - it's been good. Went to lunch with my parents and my little sister. Then we went shopping - I got two new pairs of jeans! I can't believe I found pants!! And, the cool pair I got are called "Kaylee Flare"...and you know, that's my name. I also bought my first pair of skinny jeans - they fit and aren't as uncomfortable as I thought they'd be. After we all hung out they brought me back to our apartment and we sat around a talked for awhile.

After eating a little supper Shane and I watched Date Night (really good movie.) Now he's watching football and I'm typing. After this I'm going to start typing up one of my short stories so it's finally backed up on my computer. I'd rather hand-write everything, but it's easier to add and delete parts when it's on the computer. I'm on the fence. :)

I don't get football. And now that's on the table. Do with it what you will. I'm a hockey girl - always will be.

Style in the Middle of the Night.

Here I sit, 1:30am, watching Style. What's on Style? Oh nothing, just a little show all about cheating celebrity couples. Why am I watching this crap? There's nothing else on. Oh and everytime I lay down to fall asleep my nose plugs back up and I can't breathe. I have to keep sitting - and that's not the most comfortable position for sleeping.

A few minutes ago (yeah this is basically Blogging in Realtime) I was half sitting, half lounging on the couch watching this amazing show with all the lights off in the living room. (Just an extra tidbit of information: I am so lightheaded because of my sinuses right now, it's very ridiculous.) All of a sudden, I thought I saw something out of the corner of my unfocused eye. Usually, when I "see" something, there's nothing there - especially at 1:30 in the morning. I turned my head anyway. And lo, and behold! There was actually something there! Yes! A SPIDER!

The other day there was a huge spider that was threatening me so I've been on edge about spiders lately. I just can't stand them like I used to. When I younger I'd just go ahead and pick it up (despite the size) or killed it with my bare feet. I guess this is like a person's tastebuds changing - only every 7 years I change my fears. Ha. Wow that sounds incredibly sane, right?

Anyway, there goes Kaylee - jumping off the couch to get even further away from the beast on the wall. I turned on all the lights I could and ran to the kitchen for the broom. This next part even surprises me. I, Kaylee, actually swung the broom in the general direction of the spider! I don't do these kinds of things! I must have hit the wall pretty close to the spider because it got flung to the floor and onto the multi-colored rug. I searched and searched and finally decided that the damned creature must have hid under the couch or was just that well camouflaged. When I came back from putting the broom away, very warily, I approached the rug. I shook out the blanket on the couch and peeked behind the pillows - no Mr. Scary. Then, from out of nowhere, he appeared right next to my flip-flop! (This is where I would add suspenseful music if I was making a movie.) Hurriedly, and yet carefully, I grabbed the twin flip-flop and started hitting, not exactly sure I was hitting the spider or just making an ass of myself.

And the beast was stricken to the ground! Yeah, it was basically that epic. You would not have laughed at me at all if you had been here. Nope, I was acting so normal that you would have mistaken me for someone else. Really.

Spider's dead.

Oh and if the title threw you off, let me explain in more detail. I don't actually have any style at any point on any given night. I am anti-style at this time of the night. And the murdering of a spider does not, in any way, create the illusion of style. No, it's exactly the opposite - barbaric, primitive, and oh-so-not-classy.

To all: Happy Spider Killing!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


The last two years my allergies have not been too bad. It's been great having a break from itchy eyes, a puffy face, a runny nose, and a tickly throat. But...yes, unfortunately there is a but...this year they came back. I'm still taking the same allergy medication and I really don't go outside much. I don't know what's different - maybe the allergens are just worse here in Kearney than in North Platte. If that's the case - that was the only good think about North Platte ha.

On another note: I still don't have a job. I had a really good interview at Walgreen's the other day and apparently I didn't get that job either. They told me they were really hard up for help and I told them I would really like the job. They liked how flexible I'd be with my schedule, and still nothing. I don't know - I'm getting more and more discouraged after each unsuccessful interview...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Yesterday was my Grandma's birthday - we all went out for lunch. It was really nice! :)

I took my quilting stuff down with me so my Aunt could help me with it. I'm very thankful that she knows what she's doing. Ha. We had an amusing time putting it all together - and with hindsight being what it is, I wish I would have had my camera. She and I were both on our hand and knees with our butts up in the air putting safety pins all over the quilt to keep the layers together. (I'm feeling it today.) At the time it was just ridiculous - Mom and Taylor were making fun of us -oh, we were making fun of ourselves.

After the fun safety pin part we flipped the whole thing over to make sure it was all even and flat. Thank goodness that it was - it took forever to get those safety pins in!

Then we started to baste the quilt. If you don't know what that is - it's when you take a noticeable colored thread and just stitch the layers together to keep it all together when you're quilting it. These threads will come out when I'm done - but I'm starting to like the bright orange on top of all the green fabric! My Aunt and I started the basting. Apparently my sister had started making a quilt a long time ago and there is a funny basting story to go along with it!

Aunt Becky eventually had to go home and left me to finish the basting. Somehow, and I honestly don't know how this happened, but I actually got my sister to help me do some of the basting! Having heard her basting story, I figured it was against my better judgment to have her help me - but she did a really good job. Except for overthreading her needle!

So we got the basting done. I rolled it up and brought it home and now I just need to get together with my Aunt again so she can show me how to hand-quilt. I know what I need to do, and what it's supposed to look like in the end, but it's hard to really learn from websites and videos. Having her show me one-on-one will be much better.'s quilting, quilting, and quilting. It's going to take me awhile - it'll make a good winter project.

If you're interesting in knowing exactly what basting is and how to do it click here.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What's So Wrong With Coffee?

I get it, I really do. Coffee is bad. It's just as addictive as cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

Do you know when I started drinking coffee? I was roughly three years old. I only started in with the coffee when I quit smoking. Okay, no? That was a lie. Three years old - drinking coffee. Many people have a few problems with that. 'It stunts your growth,' 'that's probably why you have weight issues,' 'all of that caffeine for that long? My goodness, how's your brain?' Yeah I know...however, I really don't think coffee stunts your growth.

Who do I blame for letting me drink coffee so early in life? Yup, my loving Grandparents. I really can't say if I am really to blame for begging for coffee or if one of them just gave it to me. I could see it happening both ways. With my Grandparents I knew what to do to get what I wanted. Grandpa, however, was the type to get you to try random things just out of the blue. (For example, he had my little sister drive his pickup when she was - what? - eight years old, I think.) Just try it, you'll like it. I can hear him saying that. Now, don't get me wrong. He would never make us try anything that would hurt us. There was never any trying of alcohol (it was never around) or smoking of cigarettes, or anything else. It really was almost always just with food - trying to get us to eat something new or something old with something weird on top of it. Ha. He had his ways.

Okay, back to Coffee. It's a nice beverage. I'm the person that makes a whole pot of coffee (about 5 coffee mugs worth) for myself every morning. I like it black most of the time. I do keep creamer in the house though in case one morning I've got a wild hair to have a sugary breakfast. My husband doesn't drink coffee. For awhile, when we were still in North Platte, he would have a cup in the morning with me, but he put tons of Coffee Mate in it. So much, in fact, there was no trace of coffee taste left! I'll admit those Coffee Mate flavored creamers are delicious, but I'd rather taste the coffee.

My Mom doesn't drink coffee. She hates coffee, actually. When it comes to having the family over for holidays she doesn't even know how to use the coffee pot! My Dad drinks coffee, but not at home. He usually has a travel-mug of decaf with him during work. Now, a lot of people either swear by decaf or by regular coffee. For those people it's the caffeine, or lack of, they want. For me, it doesn't matter if it's regular or not. I want coffee for the taste. Does anyone actually like the taste of coffee? It's like cigarettes - though, I have never tried them - there's no way that smoke actually tastes good, it's just the mind telling you it's good because your body is addicted to the chemicals. Chronic caffeine-drinkers are the same. They crave the caffeine boost so badly they'll drink anything. I mean, come on, bean water? Coffee is bean water, people. Even I tremble at the thought of that. Ha.

I think I'm straying from the initial point of this post - which I don't remember anymore. So to summarize: Coffee good. Blame Grandparents. Bean water. That is all.

To all: Happy Coffee Drinking!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Catching Up.

I feel really good right now. Tonight I had supper with my long-time best friend, Courtney. We've been friends since preschool. Like all ships our friendship has had its ups and downs but we've lasted. A nineteen year friendship - a lot of people can't compare.

After high school we decided to be roomies at college. She wasn't around the dorm much so that was really when we started to drift apart. And not necessarily in a bad way - we just made our own groups of friends. In time we moved away from Kearney - she to the Omaha area, I to North Platte, both in different directions.

We've been talking more often lately. She is getting married next summer and I am involved in the wedding so there's plenty to talk about. This weekend she was back at her parents' house in our old hometown so we were able to get together for a girls' night out. Supper at Applebee's, a quick trip through Target, and a nice talk while driving around town. Just like old times. Tonight our conversations seemed to pick up where they left off back in high school. We talked about boys, families, and people we mutually dislike. Only the addition of wedding talk brought us back to the present.

I am very glad to have these times with old friends - to get to catch up and have fun like we used to. These visits are too few and far between, but maybe this was the first stepping stone to take to getting our friendship back to where it was. Love you, Courtney!

Maybe Strange.

Has this ever happened to you? Something happens, or somebody does something and you can't help thinking it has everything to do with you? That you take something so personally that it eats at you, but you don't want to confront the other people because you don't want to sound like the world revolves around you? Yeah, so that's happening to me - currently. Now, it could be just a simple glitch in a website, maybe it was purely accident. However, I still can't help but think that it has something to do personally with me. Uhg. Maybe I'm just thinking way too much. I need to stop that.

A Child's Saturday.

Remember when Saturdays were the only day we looked forward to? When our only worries were waking up in time to watch Saturday morning cartoons? I wish it was still like that. Adults everywhere should reserve their Saturday mornings strictly for cartoons and a bowl of sugary cereal. Maybe I just solved all the world's problems - instead of waking up super early on a Saturday to rush to work for a working weekend just sit back and relax and enjoy being a kid for a couple hours.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Just A Monday.

I did almost nothing today. Woke up, had coffee, made the bed, worked on my cross-stitch project pretty much all day, and had some dinner - just a little bit of leftovers from yesterday.

I really wanted to go on a walk this evening when Shane got off of work, but he didn't want to. It's just really nice to have someone to walk with - not to mention, it's safer. So we stayed in and watched some Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which is good.) Tomorrow I should be able to go on a nice long walk with my sister.

My cross-stitch thing is almost done. I have one small section to finish and then outline the words.

I'm a little disappointed, I just realized, that we didn't go for a walk tonight. I'm the kind of person that needs a support system when it comes to sticking with dieting and/or exercise and I was really depending on my husband.

Well, gee - that's a downer.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Vacations and Bad Moods.

Early Friday morning I left for Omaha with my parents and little sister. The four of us haven't been on a family vacation for a really long time so it was so nice to get out of town with them. On Friday we spent the day at the zoo and Saturday we went to two malls and did more walking around.

On the diet note: I splurged a little this weekend while on vacation. Last night I had a piece of pie at Perkins after Shane, Ben, and I got done playing pool at the Big Apple. Today, Shane and I didn't wake up until right before noon so we only had one meal - nachos (homemade - so not as bad as fast food nachos.) I also had coffee and two mini cinnamon bagels. I really need to get back on a healthy eating kick. This weekend I did get a lot of exercising walking around the zoo and the malls for two days. My legs feel sore, but in a good way - like they're actually going to get toned.

The last few days I haven't been feeling well. I've been getting headaches again, but they're different than normal. They're more "blurry" feeling instead of just a pain in the head. I've been super moody, too. I know, I know - I'm moody on a normal day. But this is different. And this isn't "that time of the month" stuff either. I know what I'm like during those times and this is definitely not the same. For a while I was just thinking that I was coming down with something and it just made me feel crappy. Now I don't know what to think because I've never felt exactly like this before.

Well, that's about it. Fun weekend, headaches, and emotions.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Operation: Healthy.

Well, I tried to eat a little healthier today. With my morning coffee I had two mini-cinnamon bagels - dry. For lunch I had a bowl of cereal. And for dinner we had steak, cucumbers, and a potato salad. Of course, that potato salad wasn't super healthy. But for now it's mostly about portion control and no junk food.

This weekend, being on a little mini-vacation, it will be easier not to just sit around and eat junk. We'll also be walking around the zoo all day Friday so that'll be great exercise.

Today when my husband got off of work he and I went for a nice long walk. It was hot out but I really felt like going anyway. I'm glad I did.

I think I might actually be able to stick with it this time.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Has To Work.

Alright - this is what needs to happen: Kaylee needs to lose mucho weight. I didn't realize how bad it really was until I stepped on the scale a couple minutes ago. My goal is to lose 40 pounds, but I don't know if I can do it. I think I need to go back on a low-carb diet, but that's so hard when we really only have enough money to pay bills and buy inexpensive groceries.

So here's what I'm thinking...try to get back on a "healthier" diet to begin with. Once I can get myself a job and we have a little more income we'll be able to afford to buy more proteins and fresh vegetables for a low-carb diet. Then, I'll finally be able to get back on the only diet that ever really worked for me.

Along with the diet, I'll need to make sure I start exercising again. I need to get on the bike, at least... or take long walks in the evenings when the sun isn't so angry. I really need to do this.

I've known for awhile that I've been steadily gaining weight and, with the weight gain, I don't feel as healthy as I thought I was. Okay, and also, next summer is my friend, Courtney's wedding. I don't want to look like how I feel in the dress I'll be wearing. This will give me a deadline, and that's really what I need. I hope this works!

If you read this blog - please pray for me. I will need all the help and support I can get.

(And, whenever I put up a new post I'm going to include my eating habits so I can keep track of my eating and exercising.)


A couple Christmases ago my husband bought me a Nintendo DS. I only have three games for it and I don't play them very often. Today I decided to dig it out so I could take it with me on our family vacation this weekend. I wanted to run down the battery so I could fully charge for the car-ride so I played some games. The Clubhouse Games pack was already loaded so I just turned that on. I usually just play billiards, darts, solitaire, or capture. The game "ludo" (or Sorry, in board-game form) is on the game pack. I rarely play it because it takes forever. And as I discovered today it's a big cheating jerk!

If you know how the game is played you know that you have to roll a "6" to get out of your holding area. On the DS the only way to play is by playing the computer. The computer is always the first to get a 6. It's also the computer that gets 2 of the 4 game pieces into the safe-zone before you get even 1 piece out of the holding area! I played twice today and both times I lost miserably. I've decided that the DS is a cheater at Ludo and I will not give it the satisfaction of winning against me ever again.

Lesson For the Day: Beware of cheating game systems!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Almost Midnight.

This is just one of my many doodles.

I'm still awake - I want to go to bed but I can't sleep. Once I lay down I start thinking about everything and then I can't just concentrate on sleeping.

Then I end up sleeping later than I'd like the next day and my schedule just keeps getting more and more unaligned.

It's frustrating.
I like looking at my doodle though. It's pretty.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thank You.

Okay, so I signed in to find that I had a comment on my blog! It sounds so pathetic, but I got so excited! It's been a long time since I've had a comment on any of my posts.

So this is just to say Thank You to Sarena for commenting on my post! I love you dear!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thinking Aloud.

Sometimes my thinking aloud gets me in trouble. At other times it helps me figure out what I need to do.

Yesterday I thought aloud - to my husband. I told him what was bothering me - and a lot does.

Quick disclaimer: this post might seem like a pity-party; it's not my goal to complain - only to explain. Here we go.

One problem I'm having is my weight. I wish I could find a good weight-losing support system. My husband is wanting to lose weight too, but we have the same problem with that - we both get burned out on portion-control, and work outs, and anything else. We're both so lazy sometimes. I sometimes wish I had married a health freak, an exercise mogul, a diet tyrant. (That's not to say I wish I hadn't married Shane, ha.) I love to eat...too much. While I'm eating one thing I'm craving the next thing. You could say I'm one of those people that has a bottomless stomach - but I can stop. I can't stand being hungry - I get cranky and shaky. Everyone wants a quick fix to weight-loss and that doesn't exclude me. But I know there will never be a quick way to lose weight and remain healthy. I need help.

Lately, I've been very discouraged about not being able to get a job. I don't need to go into detail about how the economy sucks and how hard it is out there to land any sort of income. So I'll move on to the next thing.

Someday I'd like to be someone's go-to friend. I know that sounds petty and high-schooly. I know I have friends out there, but I never seem to be able to hang out with them. All of my friends have their own group of friends that they go out with more often. I believe part of my problem is that I lived hours away for a few years and now some people don't think I want to hang out with them. I do, though.

So this is me thinking out loud. I guess it doesn't help sometimes.