Friday, July 23, 2010

Post No. 147.

I just realized that I'm almost to my 150th Post! I want to do something special - something involving 150 somethings. I'll think of...erm...something.

This afternoon Shane and I are heading up to Sutherland to spend the weekend with his family. I don't think we have anything special planned. It's always fun just to hang out and play it by ear.

Today was really nothing outside of the box. I woke up, picked up the apartment, did an unusually large amount of dishes, ate lunch, and packed for the weekend.

Three short paragraphs,
This blog is getting boring.
*Exciting Haiku!*

I read all of my posts on this blog last night and realized I completely got away from Poetry! I don't read or write poetry anymore, but you can never go wrong with a haiku!

I guess I better go and get ready to leave for the weekend.

1 comment:

Shane Yetter said...

So you might be right
Haikus can't be beat tonight
Go out and dance... please?