Sunday, July 25, 2010

Buffy and Books.

Hello there all my Readers. If you are still reading.

(This is now my 148th post and I still have not decided what I'm going to do for my 150th! Any suggestions?)

This weekend was really fun. Shane and I drove up to Sutherland Friday evening to spend the weekend with his family. His Dad had to work most of the weekend so we didn't see much of him, unfortunately. We did a ridiculous amount of visiting - which is great! - and watched a couple of movies. On Saturday Shane's Mom made her wonderful cabbage pockets for lunch and Shane made some kind of bread/cinnamon/brown sugar dessert. We played Scrabble that afternoon - I didn't win, like usual. Ha. I watched Shane and his youngest brother play some video games. They were mostly zombie games so they were pretty interesting to watch. In the evening we were all in the mood for a scary movie but we couldn't really think of any. We ended up watching the new Friday the 13th. Too much sex and nudity and not enough actual scaring going on. Later on that night we watched Child's Play 2. Now, that's a good movie. Hm, yesterday we also did some karaoke-ing (verb? ha) and, you know, that's always fun.

Now we're back in Kearney. We continued our Buffy-thon after we made a supper of nachos and onion rings (Shane and I get the strangest cravings.) We're on Season 2 of Buffy now. A couple years ago we watched all 7 seasons together. I had seen most of the episodes a couple years before that. I guess you can say I like the show, huh?

Shane's in bed now - he's got to go to work tomorrow. I just put down A Lion Among Men for a few minutes to type this. The story is a little on the slow side right now. I really hope it picks up so it can, at least, match the other two books.

Oh, books. I love having books on my bookshelf. We have a large 5-shelf bookshelf and we're in desperate need of another one. All five shelves are full and we've started to lay our new books on top of the standing ones. Oh, and Shane and I have three books off the shelf - so...I'd say it's time for a new one.

At one time I was thinking about looking into getting an Amazon Kindle. Both Shane and my Mom were considering one for a present for me, too. They know me too well, though. They know I like to hear the pages being turned, smell the new - or old - smell of the books, and even alphabetize and rearrange them everytime I get a new book. Sure, a Kindle or another product like it would be great. For someone else. For me, I'm going to stick with books. However, I will say this - if I would ever have to travel somewhere and have to lug a bunch of heavy books with me I might deeply consider getting a Kindle. But when it comes to my own personal reading I'll take the paper version.

I am going to leave you with a quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

"To read makes our speaking English good." - Xander (referring to why he is in the library)

Goodnight All - and happy reading.

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