Thursday, March 29, 2007


How about a new Haiku?

This, a new Haiku
Is a dedication to

Kaylee A. Ferree

I know, it's amazingly brilliant. And you're thinking, "What the heck? Why didn't I come up with that?" Right? Yeah...thought so.


Shane Yetter said...

That haiku was amazing... You are amazing... and awesome... and in honor of your awesomeness I will submit a haiku for you:

You were awesome, Yeah!
You are awesome, so take that!
You rock my socks off.

Shannon Smith said...

Donkeys, yay!

Haiku for Kaylee
Have a great day tomorrow
And smell the flowers!

So, you're haikus always turn out better than mine. lol.

Shane Yetter said...

You rock like Granite.
You suck much like a vacuum,
That has been broken.

Haiku's are fun!!!