Saturday, February 17, 2007


Reasons to be happy:

The pizza is on it's way.
Taylor came to spend the day in Kearney with me.
I got a new shirt with a Christmas gift card that I still had.
Shane's been spending the day with me also.
I made a few rockin' cool mixes for my car this morning.
I like orange juice.
I got a mini bonsai tree and I can't wait till it grows.
Tonight Taylor, Shane, and I are going to watch Jeff Dunham and Night At The Roxbury.
I'm wearing Shane's hat.

Reasons that might hinder ones happiness:

The pizza isn't here and I'm spending money on it.
I spend too much money. Save! Kaylee, Save!
Taylor has to go back home tomorrow.
I still have forty-one cents left on that blasted gift card at JCPenny.
My cup of orange juice is empty.
I think I'm diabetic.
I haven't planted my mini bonsai tree yet.
Shane's not here so we can't start the movie.
My neck hurts.
I hurt my finger.
I twisted my knee or something this morning getting in the shower.

And yeah, that's all I got.

1 comment:

Shane Yetter said...

Sorry you keep spending all your money on me sweetheart. I really appreciate it, but you don't need to. I hope you start feeling better today, I'll come in and see you at work. I'm totally listening to the CD you made me, and it kicks butt. Thanks!!! I love you sweetheart!

"Welcome to Wal*Mart, now get your s*** and get out!"
