Saturday, February 24, 2007

Deciding Against.

I don't think I'm going to to critiques on here anymore. I didn't even do one, I know, but I guess I just fell out of the mood to do them. Critiquing books sounded like a fun thing for a while, but I don't get time enough to actually read a whole book within the period of, let's say, a month. Shane's going to be doing movie critiques on his blog so you should check it out - there's a link for his blog to the right.

It's stormy and rainy and thundery outside. It's pretty awesome. But it's going to turn to snow sometime. I just don't think we're going to get hit as hard as some people are saying. But we'll see. I could be very very wrong. Probably am.

Well, I'm going to go finish getting ready and stuff.


Shane Yetter said...

I'm sorry that you fell out of the mood as far as doing book critiques. Maybe you could do one on the book you're reading now, no matter how long it takes to read it... maybe... I still love ya babe...


Shane Yetter said...

Yes you should be a masseuse. mmmmm, yay... Comment on my blog telling me the next movie to critique... thanks babe!