Wednesday, June 25, 2014


In 3 days it will be exactly two years since my last post. If you read the last post I believe toward the end I mention that it will probably be another 2 years before I post again.  Haha... Do I know myself or what?

I have started a new blog about my adventures in being a new mommy.  You can find it here or through my Blogger and Google+ accounts.

The last couple of nights I have had some weird nightmares.  Whatever is actually happening isn't really scary in a nightmare sort of way but there is this underlying feeling of doom and gloom.

The first is already fading from memory. What I remember is hallways, a small child that then became an adult in the next "scene", and my sister as a teenager. I think in the dream I was with a group of people walking to a certain location. I didn't recognize the town but I felt like I shouldn't be there.  I was comforting my sister while we walked - but I don't know why. We get to this old house and go inside and then I'm by myself, but not in a scary slasher film kind of way.  I was just checking out this old house that was almost fully down to its bones. Wires were exposed, any and all carpet had been ripped up, drywall was falling off the walls in chunks. I turned down one hallway and as I walked I realized I had to keep hunching over more and more and eventually I was crawling.  At the end of this hallway there  was a door leading to a stairway that kind of twisted upward.  The doorway was so small that I could only fit my head and one shoulder through to look.  I couldn't see anything so I called out for my sister.  I could hear her answering back from somewhere in the house.  The young child we were with came down the stairs in front of me, now an adult but still small, and crouched down so she could look at me through the door frame.  She said "hello" in a creepy tone and started to mumble something I couldn't make out.  I started backing out of the doorway but the hallway was completely tiny at this point and was made up of doorways going all the way back to where I started. It was like one of those pictures of a mirror inside a mirror inside a mirror and so on.  I had to crawl backwards and I remember my hips and shoulders kept brushing the sides of the door frames and it was starting to hurt.  This whole time I wasn't panicked I just knew that I had to get out of there because that child-now-adult was bad news somehow. That's all I can remember from that one.

The one I had last night was less "gloomy" but it still had an odd feeling about it.  My husband and I were driving back from somewhere and we were on a highway. We had left our baby with my parents while we were on this trip and I was anxious to get back to her. In the car, I looked to my right and saw this huge tornado shaped cloud. (In real life I think tornadoes are beautiful but still highly dangerous - even more so now that I have a baby.) I start freaking out asking my husband if he could see any rotation. I couldn't but then again my eyes had become blurry and couldn't focus on anything. (Darn dream eyes.) Somehow we managed to get to my Grandma's house in the same town my parents live but couldn't make it any further. While there, a strange man showed up wanting to see inside the house. We didn't let him in and he kept hanging around the house in the yard. At this point I was babysitting a friend's baby and was waiting to get a call from my friend to know when she was coming to get her son. That strange man was still lurking so I got the idea in my head to go out to the garage and startle him into leaving.  It didn't work I guess.

Then my daughter started crying and woke me up.  I have never had so many of these creepy dreams lumped together in such a short period of time. I wish I could define the feeling each of these dreams have. Even after waking up I have the heebie-jeebies for a while. And then when I go to bed I remember the weird dreams from the previous night and that's probably what triggers more of them. I wish I could remember every detail of any of my dreams. But usually the timing of events is off or all jumbled together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Egads! Crazy dreams for sure.