Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Word.

Work was slow tonight but it's the kind of work day I needed. Just a slow day to talk to the other cashiers and just walk around and stuff. It was nice.

Looking forward to going to Wilcox tomorrow. And I'm looking forward to watching Heroes!

I've really been missing Shane lately. The weather is getting colder and all I want to do is come home from work and curl up with Shane and watch a movie and then go to sleep. That is all I want and I have to wait a few more weeks!

To all: a good night and a wonderful Monday!

1 comment:

Shane Yetter said...

Same here babe, after a long, hard day of sitting on my butt for 8 hours and doing not much, but being VERY cold while I do it makes me want to do nothing but curl up in bed with you and snore in your ear... :D minus the snore in your ear part. I love you babe.