Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Three Hundred Eighty-Three Dollars Later...

I got my car back last night. It's good to have her back, but I'm just worried something else is going to go wrong.

This is Dead Week. And that's exactly how I feel. I have all my papers done and ready to turn in next week. As a result I've been completely lazy. Television, computer, naps...that's all I've done this week! Of course, I'm still going to my classes, but we don't do anything.

Tomorrow night the Advanced Poetry class I'm in is meeting at a bar here in Kearney to read some of our original poetry. I haven't decided what I'm going to read yet, but I'm just excited that tomorrow is our last day of poetry! Yay! Now I'll never be expected to write another poem!

I hope school and life is going well for everybody and good luck with Finals!

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Mind of Their Own.

Cars. What do they think? That I'm made of money and can fix every problem they throw at me? No, I can't! So stop breaking!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Let It Snow!

I woke up this morning to find a beautiful snow falling to the ground. It was one of those snows that you want to capture on film, but it's almost impossible. There was about an inch on the ground and it's still falling. I'm glad it's not a dangerous or icy snow.

Christmas is coming and I'm getting more and more excited. I'm giving Sarena her Christmas present today when I go pick her up for her appointment. I hope she likes it.

To all: A happy snow day!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Music!

I love it!

I'm having a weird day. It was going alright but then we had to watch Boys Don't Cry for my film class and well...we'll just say that that movie doesn't really make anyone happy.

The semester is winding down at a pretty steady pace. Only eight more days of classes. Fifteen days total until I should be done with finals. I'm pretty excited!

And's Christmas!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Word.

Work was slow tonight but it's the kind of work day I needed. Just a slow day to talk to the other cashiers and just walk around and stuff. It was nice.

Looking forward to going to Wilcox tomorrow. And I'm looking forward to watching Heroes!

I've really been missing Shane lately. The weather is getting colder and all I want to do is come home from work and curl up with Shane and watch a movie and then go to sleep. That is all I want and I have to wait a few more weeks!

To all: a good night and a wonderful Monday!

What's That? Hot Pockets?

Jim Gaffigan is funny.

I decided that Shane should be an actor or a comedian. Well, actually...when I first met him I thought he should be one of the two 'cause he was very entertaining in class. But maybe that was just me because I thought he was cute.

Anyway, last night he and I were on the phone and he was doing some Jim Gaffigan jokes and some Demetri Martin jokes, then he did some of his own and made up some weird story to tell me. It was supposed to rhyme...and was pretty hilarious. I really emotionally connected to the joke...

Apparently it snowed last night. The only reason I think this is because there is snow on the ground and covering the vehicles in the parking lot. Otherwise I would not have known it had snowed. Strange.

I have to go "dig" my car out later today - sometime after lunch. I have to go to work this afternoon and well, I don't feel like walking there; although, it would probably be easier.

Speaking of lunch...I have no idea what I'm going to eat. I don't want to go to Chartwells again, that stinks. Looks like I'm microwaving soup! My favorite!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Funny Stuff.

Well, it happened again.

I must be the problem.

The End.

Sure A Disappointment.

So we were supposed to get a pretty bad freezing rain storm last night and it was supposed to continue on all day today. We barely have any ice outside! I don't get it! I mean, sure, if you're driving like a crazy person anyway there's a chance you might hit thicker ice and crash. But there's not enough to hurt yourself on if you're driving you should be anyway.

It's not like I really wanted a huge storm or anything, but...uhg, last night was sooo busy at work because people thought we were going to get an ice storm like we did in Dec/January this year so they were stocking up for the storm. So far as I can tell, they made my night busy for no reason.

I mean sure it could get worse this afternoon or evening...but the radar shows most of the storm is past us and we might not get hit again! I don't know...

Well I have dedicated myself to doing my papers today and I can't I'm off to do homework on a Saturday morning at 9:10...that's depressing.

To all: A wonderful Saturday! Hopefully the weatherman didn't lie to you!