Sunday, November 25, 2007


I'm going back to Kearney today. Back to the good ol' dorm room. Yeah, something like that.

Shane came down last night. It was good to see him again. After this weekend I won't be seeing him untik the weekend before Christmas when we have our little Christmas together. When I get there we're going to go buy decorations for the little tree and then open presents. I think we're going to have a nice sipper together too. I'm looking forward to it.

I had such a good week and weekend being home with my family over Thanksgiving break. This really is close to the last time I will be staying here in Wilcox. I'll be moving in a little over a month. It's a little weird to think about. But a good the-show-must-go-on feeling. If you can understand that. Ha.

To all: a good week and happy Christmas-present shopping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! I can't wait until you come stay with me for good!!! I love you babe, and don't have too much fun without me!