Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Secret.

I have a dirty little secret. Actually it's not dirty - it' s black. And it is actually very little. You don't get to know. I just thought it would be fun to make you curious. Did it work? Sorry.

I have hit another brick wall as it comes to my story. My "train" of thought is too crushed to back up and go a different direction.

Ya know, know that I think about that phrase "I've lost my train of thought" I feel like I should analyze it and make sure it makes sense. I've been doing this lately with things that involve trains - poor Shane, he has to put up with this.

Okay...obviously trains are big, massive even, and very hard to lose. So that definition is already out the window (that is, if a lost train could fit through a window.) A train could make a big boo-boo and fall off the tracks (that of course wouldn't be the train's fault, but rather the people inside) - I guess this could relate to thought. You're thinking, thinking, thinking, NOT thinking. Sometimes the thought process just stops. Buuut, a train doesn't just "stop" they slow down and slow down some more and slow down some more...and finally the quit moving - so I guess that's out, too. Usually when you "lose your train of thought" it's because you are interrupted and forgot what it was you were talking about, correct? Trains go forward and that is it. They can be turned around, yes, but with much work about it. If a train has to be switched to a different track it continues going forward but it slightly veers to either the right or the left, that is all. I don't think the statement "I've lost my train of thought" is appropriate. It should be "My train of thought has veered slightly to the left and I have changed my mind about my previous argument." Now, doesn't that sound better?

I'm going to finish my coffee and ponder over more figures of speech. Good bye.

1 comment:

Shannon Smith said...

Oh my. Your brain works much better than mine does at 8:30 in the morning. I enjoyed your analysis very much...thanks for the thinking exercise! And yes, you did make me very curious about your black secret. Dangit.