Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Question.

How do you get your parents to listen to you? I'm sure I've tried pretty much everything except the attempted suicide thing - and I would NEVER try that.

And how do you get your parents to let you make your own decisions? They just won't let me do it.

And how can you trust your parents to help you make the right decisions when they tell you straight-out that they wish they would have made different decisions when they were younger.

If your mom tells you that you should stay in college and get a degree so you can be your own person, and say I do what she says, doesn't that make me the person she wants me to be?

When it comes down to it should I just do what I want and not even run it by them first?

If I always do what they say will they always have that power over me?

Are they doing this because they don't want to lose their baby girl? Or are they doing it because they like the power parents supposedly have?

Those are some questions.

As you can tell I'm having some issues with my parents. This is the first time I've had problems with them like this - it's never been this bad. But I'm getting sick of them trying to control every aspect of my life, sure I value their opinion and agree with them about certain things. But they can't tell me to do whatever they want whenever they want me to do it. I need to be my own person and make my own decisions and if that means making my own mistakes and learning from them, fine. I'd rather be mad at myself for choosing to do something then be mad at them for making me do something I didn't want to do.

If you have any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

And Away...!

I only have one class today. Film As Literature. It should be fun. Shelly might be taking that class so that'll make it better no matter what the class is like.

So, I'm not dropping Spanish. But I'm going to be struggling through it all semester.

It's hot again today. It was only supposed to get up to 85 and it was supposed to rain. Either happened. It's probably 90ish degrees and just humid.

After class today Shane and I are going to hang out and then this evening I think we're going to do something with Dan and Sarena.

How is life for everyone else?

Monday, August 27, 2007

School Days...

I'm dropping Spanish. I just can't do it. And don't tell me that I can - because I'll poke you in the eye. I haven't had any Spanish classes since my Sophomore year in high school and this is my third year of college - it's been awhile.

If I start taking classes at a community college when I move in with Shane I'll take a foreign language then - and I'll hope it isn't has hard. Either way, it's Spanish - I'm not good with foreign languages - especially I'm not around them enough. Sure there's lots of Spanish speaking student at UNK, but I don't have any classes with them and I really don't hang out with people outside of work and my three girls.

I don't know - it stinks. I have nothing against the Spanish language - I just have a lot against me learning it when I'm not going to need it for writing a novel and raising my children. *shrugs*

The rest of my classes went well today. Reading and Writing About Lit is going to be different but it'll be fine. Grammar will be fun - I like the teacher.

Anyway...I'm going to lay down and drink a nice cold soda before I have to go to work.

And I apologize for being away from my blog for so long. But I'm back now and that's all that matters.

I hope everyone has a great day!!!

It's Monday.

Classes start today here at good ol' UNK. Am I excited? I guess one could answer that question with a simple NO. My first class this semester is Spanish. My friend Amanda is in that class with me, so we can do our homework together. Blah, I'm nervous about this class. Today I also have Reading & Writing about Liturature - shouldn't be too bad. And after lunch I have Grammar. Ah, to be an English major.

Tomorrow I only have one class and that is Film as Literature. Thursdays I have that class and my night class which is Advanced Poetry. We'll see how that goes.

After this semester I am moving. I will be withdrawing from UNK and moving in with Shane in North Platte. He starts working for the railroad on the third of September and the next four months are going to be terrible not being able to see him. Since January I've basically seen Shane everyday and very abruptly that will change come next Sunday. Of course we'll get to see each other every once in a while during those four months, but it'll still be very hard. At least I'll have plenty of homework and hours at Walmart to keep me busy.

I'm in the same room I had last semester. In Martin Hall. I have no roommate according to my request. It's nice. Amanda and Kasi still live on campus in the new building - it's nice. And Shelly lives off but close to campus so I can see her a lot! This is very good as I will need a lot of friends around me until January when I move.

My allergies are extra bad this year I think. They sure are kicking my butt at least. I hope it cools down soon - weather wise - 'cause then pollen will go bye bye! And Kaylee will be happy happy!

Anyway...gotta make my bed and head to class. Bleh, wish me luck.